I killed my old pops.net site: QRP/SWL HomeBuilder on October 5, 2014.
Starting October 14, we automatically redirect all old site traffic to this blog.
We archived most of the site into a single pdf file [38.6 MB]. A logistic mess
— the old site numbered almost 1000 image files, so I dropped many larger images to preserve the written content in the pdf file.
You may download this pdf file from 2 locations:
Courtesy of Jason, NT7S. NT7S Blog Thanks!
Download Link
Courtesy of Sebastian at Baltic-Lab in Kiel, Germany. Thanks!
Download Link
Need any schematics from the old site archive that look truncated or missing? just email and I will send them to you.
Further, you may download my old Windows programs (W1JR) Q = 1 Diplexer and NPN DC Bias here:
Thanks to Jason for hosting these files once again.
March 5, 2021: Wayback Machine has the old site archived Click here