My Support Pages

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Onto Jupiter


I spent some grand time on the bench this Fall and Winter. On May 3,  I'll cease bench experiments + blog posting and go outside in our garden. To keep in touch with other radio and QRP work bench enthusiasts over the spring + summer, I'll employ Twitter.

Although, its not looking good time-wise, I hope to finish my Jupiter receiver and post a few of the 'unique circuits'. Reaching for something fresh, I'm avoiding cliche circuitry to learn and enjoy more.

Here's a quick glimpse at the front end filter — amplifier in test mode. I swept for S21 and performed DC measures last weekend.


Solid State Regenerative Receiver Community

I invite you to please join us at the Google Plus Solid State Regenerative Receiver Community.

To do my part —  I hope to post a few more of my regen ideas/experiments over the Spring and Summer. However, please post your experiments and enjoyment of those simple to moderately complex regen radio sets that hold us in thrall.

Dave, AA7EE wrote about this budding new community in a nice post: Click here.

I'll end with some random photos. Thanks for reading. 73!

Above — I also design and make solid state guitar amplifiers --- although, I've never posted any. 1 day perhaps?

Above — Egad — I still have some tube stuff hanging around but may purge it out.

Above —2 of my homebrew DC supplies

Above —1 of my first regens.  Ugly construction, of course. Всё как есть.

Above — Delightfully they go: cats and electronics. радио кошек.


  1. The first kitty photo is the single best feline pic I have ever seen you post. Bravo!


  2. Hi Todd,
    can you find time to explain us how to wind toroids?
    Also give us some information about the types of toroids that we are going to use on RF constructions..
    Nice kitty....

  3. Thanks Dave.
    Hello Kostas.

    Well ----- toroid winding is the 1 topic I avoid except when email assisting a new builder. It’s been done --- to death. Wes and others wrote about measuring resonator Q, SRF and how good it is to directly measure the inductance. Those measures and/or calculations became easier with the availability of homebrew network analyzers and digital meters. I’ll show the measures of my coils and filter network ahead. Thanks!

  4. Hooray for your random photos!


  5. I am very interested in the Jupiter receiver. I hope to see more of it, and also the great looking cat.
    Thanks Joe
