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Sunday, 19 January 2025

Part Obituaries continued : R.I.P -- dear J310

 Greetings ###

I'm working on a common gate RF amp using the ubiquitous RF home brewer's JFET, the J310. I happened to go on DigiKey and Mouser. Here's what was written for the part I was looking at on DigiKey:

The 10-volt or the higher voltage SMD versions are no longer made!  The TO-92 versions said goodbye a few year ago. I checked some of the substitute parts --- many of them are also no longer made and are just stock.

Yes, people are selling real & bootleg TO-92 versions on EBay etc. -- and also small-scale sellers -- or sellers abroad sell TO-92 J310s.  However, for the average person around the globe, getting these now expensive parts -- and paying shipping costs seems quite a bother. I now have to think carefully when I make a schematic and suggest people use a TO-92 J310 in the 'FET slot' like I casually did 20 years ago.

Fortunately, I saw this coming and actively searched for a "lifetime supply" of TO-92 JFETs around 1998-2002. I purchased hundreds of FETs back in that time slot.

Above — Some of my collection. The leftmost bin also houses 2SC3355s, a 1 GHz NPN part with a low noise figure. I've got BF244 (a 700 MHz nJFET part), 2N5484, MPF102, J310 and a few others in TO-92 for RF. I've also got popular switching JFETs like the J111, J112, J113, & J176 ( p-channel JFET) in my audio parts bins. All these parts are originals and many were in dusty factory packages.

Above — My TO-92 J310 bin is now gold? I bought in minimum quantities of 500 back in the day. Got them for 10-15 cents each when buying in bulk.

Above — Top view -- TO-92 J310 bin. About 3/4 of them are Fairchild Semiconductor versions made in 1997. VDS max = 25 volt versions. I also gave away hundreds of J310s plus other parts to some readers of the original QRP HomeBuilder web site for free between 2003 and 2016.  Before shipping got crazy expensive. Also, now to send parts, you have to fill out extensive paperwork.

Above — I have 2 original U310 JFETs. If the J310 is gold, then these are 'platinum'. 

I also collected some ultra low noise through-hole  JFETs for HiFi audio and noise measurement circuitry. These particular FETs now cost a small fortune -- and most affordable versions are no doubt - bootleg.

If you can find a good deal on real TO-92 J310s,  now is the time to grab them. I'm going to probably lean towards using surface mount FETs in future projects for Popcorn. At least people can still get these for now. It's sad to think that such a integral part of home brew electronics is going extinct. 

Analog epilogue -->  Gone extinct -  gone digital,  bye,  I'm gone.  Goodbye old friend.


I've been thinking about mixers a lot. I home brewed 7 different styles to learn more about them.  Just musings. Not to build. All major content for Popcorn will be presented in videos. The audience is not exclusive to Ham or SWL radio -- it's for all people who like straight-forward, accessible, analog electronics. I've got some great ideas to hopefully share. Thanks.


  1. Check out the J113s available, they work pretty good! God Bless!

    1. Many thanks for your comment :> Great part. Also obsolete. I've got about 100 of them left. My thoughts and context is 100% towards new builders making schematics of circuits that I've tested -- but with a different JFET in place.

      For Popcorn Electronics, and many others, -- the new renaissance of home brew is about providing newcomers with simple, but good circuits with available, non-fake parts that you can order online without too much pain. Again, thanks for your comment and blessing.

  2. Todd: You are rich! J-310 rich OM! We are still using leaded J-310s in the SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver project. 73 Bill HI7/N2CQR

  3. Mark Twain emailed: "The report of the MMBFJ310 death was an exaggeration"

    I think that the no-suffix MMBFJ310 was the Fairchild flavor ? At least it points to a Fairchild datasheet. The ONsemi version seems to be the L suffix. Digikey still has those.

    Best Regards,
    Chuck, WB9KZY

    1. Thank you Chuck. That is exactly why I will probably lean toward surface versions in my future projects --- although not on my current 1/2 done project lol. Surface mount versions from various companies will -hopefully- last for awhile. Mouser Canada still has some TO-92 in stock, but the price rose to 7 dollars each in 2025. I also factor in my audience is global ---- I have a lot of friends in Eastern Europe who struggle to afford parts. Shipping costs are also brutal here and in many countries. If I mail a very small + light parcel from Canada to say a friend in the US. The shipping cost for me is around $20.00 CAD. That is by donkey -- not express. Big thanks and regards, Popcorn Todd

    2. Todd -

      You are correct though, SMT is inevitable, I recently ordered some BF256B leaded JFETs and got a notice even before they arrived that the last time to buy them is 1/6/2026. These also appear to be former Fairchild parts now from Onsemi.

      There just aren't many leaded RF JFETs still available except in surplus.

      SOT23 parts aren't that bad, although you might do a Popcorn post on your favorite magnification devices - we're none of us any spring chickens :)

      Best Regards,
      Chuck, WB9KZY

    3. Thanks Chuck. Appreciate your comments. I might have to find a surplus electron microscope lol. Presbyopia lurks in us old timers. Best!

  4. Just looking on Digikey, MMBFJ310 may be obsolete but if you search for J310 you will find SMD MMBFJ310LT and leaded J310 TO-92 3L ROHS

  5. I get your point old man. You can get still leaded and SMT J-310 but they are NOT BEING MADE ANYMORE. The SMT versions will be around until all stock is sold to customers and that could take years . Leaded parts are expensive. The price is going up Just like it did for the 40673. This is really true for most of us that live outside the US. We don’t go onto to the websites of US sellers. Shipping has trebled here in the UK with inflation. Now possible tariff wars with some countries . If i am pushing a new design, I would stick to SMT J310s as they will be around for awhile Agree with this plan.Nigel

    1. Yes! In first image I saw red underlining of no longer manufactured. 56,050 in stock. I juust bought some

    2. Thanks Nigel. Great summation. Well I guess I am more Chelsea than Liverpool lol. Best! T

  6. omg 40673 ebay

  7. Egad- this isn't _SPAM_ I saw the classic 2-gate MOSFET going for 37-38 USD. Wow. I better not tell you how many of these parts I've got lol.

  8. While that variant is being EOL'd, it appears that others are still active. The MMBFJ310LT3G, SMMBFJ310LT1G and SMMBFJ310LT3G are currently active, and also the '309 variants, with different electrical characteristics. And there's InterFET, also.

  9. Thanks all! Popcorn Todd
