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Sunday, 15 December 2024

QRP HomeBuilder rebrands to Popcorn Electronics

Greetings Friends!  Well, it's time to re-imagine QRP HomeBuilder. I'm going back to the beginning and rebranding as Popcorn Electronics. This was the site nickname given back in 1998-99 by the late Mike, KL7R.

The site will teach basic bench-level electronic design to my readers & YouTube viewers. (A new YouTube channel will be unveiled in 2025). Rest assured, I will not monetize — no affiliated links, e-commerce, ads, _Patreon_,  etc.. I do this for fun and seek to give back all the knowledge that others gave to me over decades.

Thank you for your support.  Best to you!



  1. Ham radio or what?.

  2. Thanks for your question: More just basic + general electronics – hence the name. Mostly audio and radio-related. Likely, not much at HF – that’s been done to death. With some exceptions, the pinnacle of analog HF design occurred in the 1980s and 1990s by gifted, very knowledgeable builders who have “mostly retired , or went SK”.

    Now apart from the addition of a digital oscillators and displays – most HF stuff I view is rehashed and in some cases, dumbed down, Again – there exceptions like Jason, NT7S; Pete, N6QW; Farhan. VU2ESE, and others.

    My stuff, like now, won’t cater to populist followers, nor entertainment seekers. If my video gets 100 views – I’m happy. I don’t even care if people like or subscribe to my channel. It’s all good.

    I believe at its core, electronics is really about math and physics – and how we can best translate & use this information at a real-world level as individuals on our bench. I feel knowledge should be inclusive to all -- and shared widely. Kind of the original intention of the Internet fathers.

    I hope to cover the seemingly rarely explored topics like , ISM bands, VHF – or perhaps, how to understand audio design – or voltage + current sources & other building-block topics that cater to people like me want to learn how to design + build better gear -- rather than just making stuff ‘that works’. Best to you!!! T

  3. I am a newbie but want to learn the basics.hey how about you film a video on deadbug ugly soldering ?

  4. Thanks for your comment sir. Love your ASCII handle. Sure -- I'll give it a shot. I've added it to my list of topics. --Dear readers-- please send topics you want to see on YouTube. I'm no expert -- but I'll do my best. Thanks ------ and Best!! - Popcorn Todd -

  5. Really looking forward following along!
